
quarta-feira, 2 de março de 2016

Son Rise for Nick

And so, today, our wonderful journey beguins with Son Rise Program

Let's go into Nick's World !

After knowing the "Joining" part, I've come to realize that I already did that with Nick, by instinct. Maybe this is why I got my son to look me in the eye earlier than most people I know.. Eye contact.  I remember that we almost lost Nick's eye contact, when he was about 2 years...
Today, the challenge is to mantain Nick focused, to manage his meltdowns, and to convince him to do somenthing that he is not up to.  His motor skills are very low (he can't hold a pencil, brush his hair, and several other things that demands fine motor skills). Also, Nick , now with 5 years old, is still on dypers, and have difficulties to say and express himself. Although he is capable of asking simple things, he struggles to show feelings and to deal with frustrations.

Now, I am planning and organizing things to take Son Rise's courses and trainings, so I can be more helpful to Nick.  Of course that we can't afford it, but I won't give up. I will find a way... and also stat a fundraising specific for Nick's Son Rise. Meantime, I am organizing my home and Nick's playroom.

I will do EVERYTHING I can so my son can be all that he is capable of.

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